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Are Miranda, Charlotte and Samantha part of Carrie's psych?

Miranda is the head. Charlotte is the heart and Samantha is the libido. Carrie demostrates the contemporary woman’s mind of struggling with juggling all three aspects of her life, showcased on her friends as part of her, to reconcilate her sharped modern mind, her fairytale loving heart and unfiltered sex drive. They come across how a woman should behave? She is a neutral balance of all 4 embodied a person’s aspects on Carrie.

Miranda, the most develop thinker of the group, is defined by her moral ideals, a modern feminist. She reminds them when they are not acting in the spirit of feminism. She is also a great friend, but Carrie has more conflict with her because of her brutal honesty. Self assured and racional is often approached as cynical in terms of logical thinking. Reason why she struggles emotionally and gives voice to the specticule thoughts that most women have concerning love and relationships. Limited to her natural limits and carried away by rationally. Logic ends up going down on her happily ever after. Hobbes is a non conformist, voices what the critics are thinking and its not afraid to be outspoken, in fact that is the reason she is so good at her job, she takes full ownership of her life choices. Extremely honest, seeing the ugy truth. Rawness runs in her bones.

Samantha is the uncensored sexual desire driven by one thought, her choice. Being comfortable with her own body and putting her own pleasure before a mans, brings self confidence and illustrates self assurance without being judged by anybody. She is an understandable friend, she doesn't judge, it's not her style. Resskited to settle down, she is motivated by the influence of her instincts. She is usually shamed by her promiscuity because she chooses autonomy instead of monogamy. She always stands up for herself, it's not walked over, and doesn't shy away from confrontation. She always knows what to say, has the best advice, it's always right and is the most quotable. The most valuable quality of hers is how she puts her own necessities first. she values her career, her work is part of her identity, yet none want to be her, but we all should.

Charlotte is a hopeless romantic with unrealistic ideals of love and fairytales. it might sound outdated at some points and desires the perfect idealism of the right guy. The one. is conflicted with her lifestyle and career path in terms of an unusual feminism. Less unfronted, Carrie is looking for romance, straight out of Charlotte's playbook. Her devotion to true love drives her nuts and it translates to her life choices. She echoes a lot of her thoughts into it. Old fashioned romantic, conventional desire of the perfect life.The thought of believing that a man completes you is the ultimate reason why she clashes with both Miranda and Samantha. It is very disempowering the belief that she won't be fulfilled until she finds the one that prevents her from being in control of her own destiny. Meeting the one is a strategic milestone. "She chooses her choice" and leaves us a beautiful quote about love and friendship that solidifies the overall idea of the show:

Eventually Carrie became the Perfectly Imperfect Woman of Her Times. A flawed woman who tries to back up and walk it off. She is the lover, not the object of desire as many shows portray women. Her defying romantic trait seems to be that she likes the hunt and the conflict. Her toxic entanglement with Mr Big is romanized letting us know why we should NEVER be Carrie.


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