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Why is Polo the royal sport?

One of the oldest team games in history, it was first played as a war game more than 2,000 years ago. It is also one of the most lethal, expensive, and stunning sports in the world.

Polo is known as the sport of the kings since it was enjoyed by kings and princesses and warriors to test their bravery, fortitude, and strength.

It has attracted monarchy to its ranks for ages, and in the eyes of many, the game has always belonged to the wealthy, well-known, and privileged few. However, the sport is more than just the glitzy environment in which it exists.

Polo It's swift, complex, and appealing all in one not-so-tiny package. The force and fury of the game would have to be captured with a high-speed camera shooting at a thousand frames per second.

For instance, Polo remains the rich man's game. It appears to the untrained eye to be a combination of hockey and golf played by riders.

Polo was originally played in ancient Iran by only royals and their courtiers, hence the nickname "sport of kings." The British spread its popularity across the globe over time.

Before the sport caught on with the few locals in Kenya during the colonial era, it was the British that participated in it.

Ten of the top 12 polo players in the world are from Argentina, and they haven't lost to a different nation since 1932, which is one of the reasons why Argentina is known as the "polo capital of the world."

The best polo player in the world is an Argentine named Adolfo Cambiaso. In Argentina, the USA, and the UK, he plays with a 10 goal handicap. In 1994, he was recorded as the player with the highest handicap who was also the youngest.

The nation not only has the top athletes in the world, but it also has the best conditions for playing this sport:

The Argentine pampas are a flat region with a good climate, to start. Another factor contributing to Argentina's prestigious standing in the polo world is the pampas, which are ideal for breeding and training polo horses. Argentina holds a distinguished place in the world of this elite sport because to all of these qualities.


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