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GG 1x4 Hope Sinks

Hello New York's elite, Legally Polymath here and I got a hot new review and our take on these upper east siders!

Finally a proper episode! One that it's actually worth watching from beginning to end, sort of!

Once again we see a lot of references to the original series, outfits (not entirely), one liners, name dropping, cameos like Nelly Yuki's (we love the fact that she is such a boss and corporate woman) and similar plots.

The episode is filled with character development, characters arch, etc, but it still circles back to the same story all over again. The perfect example is the conversation between Aki and Audrey about her mom. We get to see a glimpse of each character's lives from a different perspective and overall friendship with one another, which is nice.

A lot of topics were discussed on the subject of felonies, if we talk about law, but that's a topic for another conversation on how chaotic is GG on the legal take.

First things first, THE HALLOWEEN COSTUMES! I am soooo obsessed with how the turned out. The girls portrayed iconic looks from archetypal top models was a must, Monet dressed as Naomi Campbell, Luna as Claudia Schiffer,Julien and Zoya's couples costume was EVERYTHING. I mean, who dresses up as Solange and Beyonce on that iconic elevator moment? I simply got no words to be frank. Not to mention the EXTREMELY FAILED FASHION MOMENT ON THAT VERY SCENE where they dressed up as Dan Humphrey and Chuck Bass at cotillion considering the fact that none of them were Serena and Blair's dates. It was a terrible mistake in terms of knowing the og storyline. The rivalry between the new girls from a different school makes sense and brings a new side of GG but how unrealistic it's the fact that they dressed up as Serena and Blair and in different eras???!

There are SO many inaccuracies overall. But I adore every bloody reference to the original.

On the other hand, Aki and Audrey are my favorite ship, both of them are adorable and so cute together, plus now you can empathize with them. Ultimately my favorite characters alongside Max, who deserves way more screen time cause lets be honest, he steals the goddamn show. We do not care about Zoya and Obbie or Julien (even though I love her character). Every character has a storyline but I truly don't understand why the relationship is so forced and lame, why do we care about what your IG s followers think? At the beginning of the show we think she occupies the role of the queen bee, the 5mean girl like every chick flick but that doesn't happen, which is refreshing and not outdated like other references but she does not interact with anyone outside her circle. Luna and Monet are the real queens/mean girls, I do not understand her role and I feel like it does not fit right on her, fits Monet's a lot more, she has power, influence and ambition.

Audrey is a very Blair archetype, she is strong and an insanely independent character. She does not have any support of any kind which is sad but unfortunately real. They are so human and actual teenagers with real problems. That is why this side of this story resonates a lot more than Obbie's , Julien and Zoya. Same thing with the school shooting bit, where the power of Gossip Girl is being questioned (thank god) , we are most definetly waiting for GG to be hacked and those teachers to be fired.

Speaking of annoying characters, we can forget Obbie, the hyper jealous type. He's possessive and a jerk, much like Vanessa and Dan in the original. I do not understand his role on the show and I kinda hated it. He's guilty because he is a billionaire but he doesn't really understand real problems like Zoya like poverty, injustice, etc. The good thing is that she realized that, but it's the whole Dan and Serena's "we come from different worlds drama", I'm sooo over it. It's creepy that Simon bit though same as Rafa but that is a felony. Speaking of which, I loathed the fact that they made Rafa an argentinian predator, like why? Is it because we are from South America, we are criminals? GOD NO. Stop with the latin hate and discrimination, that is xenophonia and i do not stan that. With that said I hate his character and I want him in jail right away. I mean the guy fuck his underage students, WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?! Plus he is very manipulative, he even threatened Aki repressing his sexuality. I hated that scene. He's a groomer and a criminal. Luckly Max understood the situation and broke up with him immediately.

Overall, this is the most exciting episode of all, in terms of drama and you can spot a difference from the original, you can watch it even if you do not follow the entire story, which I guess it's a nice twist.


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