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How I Met Your Father S1E9 REVIEW

Breaking up with a decent person is painful enough as it is, but when Sophie arrives at Drew's apartment, his parents are waiting to meet her. Sophie quickly realizes that this isn't your normal social call after some awkward preliminaries. Drew's mother informs Sophie that they are on their way to deliver some awful news, but she insists on staying with him for the time being. Drew's mother is a jerk, but in a charming, HIMYF kind of way, and she spills Drew's news before Sophie can. Drew and Sophie appear apathetic about the nature of the murders, and it's only a minor stumbling block for Sophie, who practices a few times in the mirror before breaking up with Drew.

It's horrible time, she confesses, and she has no idea that the man she's breaking up with Drew for is reuniting with his ex across town. Jesse listens to Merideth's new record, which is rather plain in conveying her wish to rekindle her relationship with Jesse (couldn't she just phone instead of creating a song?). Man, these artists). They rekindle their connection after some meal, and Meredith explains that she felt confined by being in a relationship all the time, and she refused Jesse's proposal because she wanted to know herself first (similar to Lily's actions at the end of HIMYM's first season).

Meanwhile, Charlie joins the rest of the gang at Sid's pub to watch a "Soccer" game, which no one seems to care about (despite the fact that, in my humble opinion, it is one of the more entertaining sports to watch). Nobody is paying attention, and he expresses his dissatisfaction; he wanted to honor his ancestry, but neither his friends nor his girlfriend appear to be on board.

Despite the fact that everything we've heard about Charlie suggests he considers soccer to be a "commoner" sport, Valentina recognizes how unhappy he is and apologizes with a Union Jack-filled Love Actually apology. I'm not sure how well this one works. It is possible for a character to overlook their partner's needs in the context of a film.

Sid and Valentina can't keep Sophie and Jesse's kiss a secret during the same soccer "party," but Sid's fiancée Hannah (who is there for a wedding planning weekend) gets outraged when Sid refers to it as "the nice sort" of cheating. This leads to another disagreement and a resolve that "long-distance is hard," something we've seen in almost every episode Hannah is involved in, but this time with the added complication of Hannah perhaps having to spend another year in LA. She should not accept the role if it entails another season of the same tired narrative lines!

The conclusion

Sophie finally shows up for her meeting with Jesse after finding out that her photograph has been accepted by the gallery. She sits at the table, oblivious to the fact that Jesse may be present.


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