Legally Blonde vs Real Life. Is Being a Law Student Like the Film Legally Blonde?
I'll just say it: Legally Blonde is one of the best movies ever made. As a result, I watch it before every exam season, if I'm stressed by my workload, or whenever I need a pick-me-up in general.
It is encouraging to everyone, regardless of whether they are studying law or not, and it is perfectly timeless, despite being heavily 2000s.
But, as depicted in the film, is it genuinely like studying for a legal degree? No, not quite...
Let's start with Elle's iconic Harvard application. It's a beautiful montage; we learn that Elle is actually quite brilliant, and that she accomplishes something even though no one else in her life thinks it's a good idea or that she should do it.
She does not go out with her friends and instead sits and studies. Despite receiving a low score on her practice LSATs, she persists. She puts her friends to the test in between Pilates sessions, and she plainly has another girl tutoring her. This is a very real feature of law school - especially if you have pals who aren't law students. Of course, maintaining a social life is a delicate balance, but law school is a demanding program.
Her lessons are incredibly realistic while also being completely fake. This semester's courses are never revealed (ovester? ), but she has one criminal law class, one class on – possibly – the Legal System (? ), and Royalton teaches products liability.
Elle is booted out of class after her teacher asks her a question about pre-semester materials and she doesn't know the answer. The accuracy of this, I believe, is dependent on the lecturer.
Elitism in the legal profession
I'll now turn my attention to elitism. Elle is incapable of treating these folks with respect. She's pleasant, and she's attempting to blend in. I understand that Vivian is only here to steal Warner, but I despise seeing all of this girl-fight cattiness. Not to give anything away about the movie, but when they become friends, it's such a refreshing shift. She befriends David Kidney, who appears to be ostracized as well, and the two aid each other in various ways. There's always the possibility that something like this will occur. Elle was not, however, despised by the entire law school. Some of her peers despised her because of their perceptions of her.
Sexual Harassment is a type of harassment that occurs when a person is
Although harassment is a sensitive topic, I believe it is vital to talk in the current context. Though I hope no tutor behaves in the manner in which Callahan did, harassment is a serious problem in many sectors, not just law. Many professional women are urged to dress in skirts and heels to appear more "feminine," and the legal profession has a true culture of impropriety.
Overall, this film is both absurd and incredibly relatable in parts. For English and Welsh law students, the fact that it is American diminishes the reality by half, but honestly? It's a terrific inspiring, empowering, feminist film that I believe should be required viewing for anyone interested in law school.