Visual dominance and social idendinty in film.Clueless Style Analysis
Clueless, the iconic chick flick with the greatest fashion of all time. Based in Beverly Hills, LA during the mid 90s, the film portrayed a teenager struggling with adolescence in a very clueless way, pun intended.

During the early 90s fashion was heavily influenced by Nirvana and Kurt Cobain representing an edgy grunge laid back look. Everybody was wearing really baggy clothes, flannel shirts, boots, jeans and big checkered shirts. The real reason why the movie was a hit, it’s because Clueless made a contrasting that dark world. The overall visuals of this movie are what makes it so captivating.
The costume designer of the film is the critically acclaimed Mona May, who chose the exact amount of 64 outfits. Fast-forward 26 years later, this movie shaped an entire’s generation’s wardrobe, in fact, the movie predicted so many trends throughout the years. For instance, the power suits in plaid, Cher’s signature look, changed the game in fashion. Nowadays you see yellow plaid on runways all around the world, not just in Dolce and Gabbana.
Pastel colors like pink, yellow and sky blue are huge trends alongside the athletic chic looks featured in the movie. Not to mention the transparent organza shirts, slip dresses and polo knits.
Looking back at the film's fashion legacy, the juxtaposition between two styles that normally would clash, brought sintony to the different aesthetics.The grunge edge vs the fun and girly but fashion glam goth was a game changer in terms of style.
Their fashion tangibly captures and visually communicates who they are, who they like to be and what kind of social group they belong to. How one dresses shows the world where they stand in society, serves as the reflection of people's social standing vs their real identity.This is the point where self-awareness and self-image made claims that this is not there fully at birth rather than a developed through social experience fashion's role in an specific environment, and that tangibly collects all the fragments of knowledge and experiences that people gain through the world and then captures this within a single garment no matter how simple or complex clothing can exert dominance and create a sense of control through an instant change to one's physical state is constructed from cultural ideas experiences and subjective viewpoints around appearance beauty and fashion.
Cher Horowitz ‘s Style
Overall, Cher Horrowitz’s style is quite minimalistic and chic yet very glam. Maroon, red, hite and pink are her go-to colors but her fashion choices evolve throughout the film. She is the contrast to their classmates and friends, a preponderant factor that makes her stand out. At the beginning of the film, her style is very mature yet kinda childish, sorry for the oximoron, the colors she wears are super youthful because of her oblivious state of mind. Near the end, her style is more sophisticated, looking pretty in pink.

Cher’s iconic yellow plaid suit by Dolce

THAT yellow flat outfit has a life of its own, you see it every year on the runway.As it was previously mentioned, the clothes are the star of the film, they are the essence of it. At first you see Cher wearing a plaid Dolce & Gabbana yellow and black checkered skirt, paired with white mary jane shoes as well as white knee-high socks and then there's a white t-shirt and a yellow cardigan and then on top of it, not to mention the iconic suit jacket.This look it's a nod to a schoolgirl uniform but in an elevated chic very high fashion way, so posh and edgy.
Dione Davenport detailed garments
Dione Davenport, her best friend, has an opposite style. Oversized accessories like hats and mini bags are a must have in her wardrobe. She took several fashion risks with shorter skirts and crop top sweaters. Vibrant colors are often seen in her but her black plaid look is to die for, very detailed oriented due to the fact that she knew how to understand the world she lived in, unlike Cher.

The grunge turned couture Tai
The arch of the storyline is mainly about the struggles of a young girl who is starting to understand the world from her spoiled brat life perspective. So it makes sense that the disrupted grunge-turned-couture friend of hers, Tai Fraiser, wore baggy clothes at the beginning, with a grunge yet sweet country girl twist, quite opposite to Cher’s.
