101 on Elle Woods. Think pink!
THE blonde identity itself. Elle begins as a cartoon version of what blondes are usually associated with. Pretty much all of the stereotypes you can think of, especially being portrayed as a antithesis of intellectual serious pursuits. The whole point of the movie is to uncover and disclose the systemically disapproval of given stereotypes and cliche assumptions of how a person should be according to how it looks or shows to the world.

It subverts the negativity and creates a positive idea of how ellle woods stands for. Her inspirational outlook and sparkly personality makes it a unique character with a lot to offer throughout the film. even if people see her as a grab bag of stereotypes. frivolous superficial and shallow are the terms most used to describe blondes in general.
Elle's mind dismishes this most central and pernicious stereotype of the dumb blonde. She battles with a struggle attempt to be a serious person, and forgets who she really is until she discovers a new career path.
As the story progresses we get to see how other characters are as superficial as elle if not more so in their own ways, without having a good heart or well intentions at heart.she is often underestimated because she is optimistic and enthusiastic interpreted as naive. they allow her to will herself into achievements others wouldn't even try for because they seem out of reach. she is not defeated by mean spiritedness. also uses a personal experience, praxis and theory is the key in law.
Guided by her principles, she works through a great work ethic we should all follow. treasures her word, valuing truth and the pursuit of success linked to hard work and passion to it. she doesn't fail to shine, instead wins friendships and cases with dedication.

Pink is the epiphany of her confidence, she doesn't disguesses her true self. people dont let you write the narrative of who you are. Even so, Woods encourages us to pursue whatever we want, and that with hard work and dedication nothing and no one is bringing you down. so wear pink to your college graduation, i know i will!