Federal assistance for free college tuition should be a priority in any economic recovery strategy if the economy is to be rebuilt in a way that gives everyone an equal chance to succeed. The private and public economic benefits of free community college tuition, according to research, would outweigh the expense. As a result, half of the states have already implemented some sort of free college tuition.
The private and public economic benefits of free community college tuition, according to research, would outweigh the expense. As a result, half of the states have already implemented some sort of free college tuition.
Thankfully, technological advancements are making it possible to expand global access to education.
There is still a long way to go, and more institutions and countries are debating the benefits and drawbacks of providing a low-cost education. With the passage of time, the ability to provide free education to all becomes more feasible.
Here are four reasons why debt-free e-commerce is a good idea.
1. Contributes to societal advancement
People who are better educated are better able to address challenges. As a result, civilization can advance at a faster pace. People with education can also better comprehend their society's history and current economic problems. As a result, individuals might be more likely to get involved in politics and better their country.
2. A More Diverse Workforce With technological advancements comes a change in the workforce. The majority of automated jobs are displacing low-wage workers. Automation is gradually gaining traction in jobs that require a lot of repetition, such as back office work.
Automation, on the other hand, is not intended to replace the entire workforce. Instead, most economies' needs are moving to necessitate a highly trained workforce.
The workforce will be more adaptable as well. When one industry falters during an economic slump, another usually rises to take its place. Workers must then be retrained and given job-specific skills. If more people went to school and focused their studies on growing industries, the population would be better prepared to deal with economic changes.
3.Promote Equality
Given college affordability is such a huge concern for so many individuals, the playing field has not always been level. Although many of the world's best minds originate from low-income families, this should not prevent them from finishing their education. Everyone would have the opportunity to attend school if there was an equal opportunity to do so. Affordable education is a major step towards equality.
4.More Concentration
Students can concentrate better on their schoolwork when they are not concerned about money. Even if students have loans and financial aid, they may be concerned about how they will be able to repay them in the future. This increased tension may interfere with their ability to concentrate while they are meant to be studying.
Austria (free for EU residents, low cost for non-EU residents)
Czech Republic
Spain (free for EU residents, low cost for non-EU residents)
Tuition-free or lower-cost universities will require funding from someplace. The fact that taxes may rise, either on individuals or on businesses, is an argument against free education. Otherwise, the funds will have to be found somewhere else, such as by reducing military spending.
Regardless of political issues, there are methods to make tuition-free education a reality or, at the very least, more widely available. As shown, there are numerous advantages to providing affordable college education to people all around the world. Investing in education should be the primary focus on every nation. It opens possibilities, goals, changes, culture, etc.
Argubly the most prestigious university in the World, home of minds and Nobel prizer winners like Carlos Saavedra Lamas, Bernardo Houssay, Luis Federico Leloir, Adolfo Pérez Esquivel and César Milstein. Five Nobel laureates have passed through the classrooms of the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) in its 200-year history, a unique fact in every higher institution in Ibero-America and one of the few higher education institutions in the world that achieves it. All of that was archived with the bare minimum of ingvestment, so I couldnt help but wonder, imagine how big the accomplishments that this country could have if they actually invested in something worth it of our time. But first let's take a look at the history of one of my alma maters!
- Education as the epicenter of development
Education constitutes the real way out of the crisis and must involve the joint work of all government strata. The University of Buenos Aires, a symbol of excellence in higher education, multiple currents of thought, and scientific-technological advances, is now two hundred years old, and it is an opportune time to reflect on the value of education, in general, and university education, in particular, given the pandemic and post-pandemic scenario that Argentina must face in a national, but intenational, context.
It was the origin of significant scientific advancements in numerous fields of knowledge for almost two centuries, and it witnessed figures pass through its classrooms who are the pride and history of our country. We are not merely recognizing an institution's anniversary, but also Argentina's unique ability to deliver historically renowned university education and generate pure and applied science deserving of international recognition. Despite crises and adversity.
Education constitutes the real way out of the crisis and must involve the joint work of all government strata so that an intergenerational common thread circulates that unites all citizens through the educational heritage, that weighs the great examples of our history, but that articulates them with the socioeconomic and cultural demands of the 21st century.
While the universities create knowledge, produce science and technology, and train qualified professionals, the production system incorporates science and technology and employs professionals in optimal working conditions that allow them to grow in their country. For this, the mediation of the State managed by the different governmental bodies must implement medium and long-term public policies so that this interdependence translates into sustainable development for our Nation.
The planning of public policies in the educational field must transcend the efforts and project towards Argentina.
The prestige of Argentine university education offers us a golden opportunity for the post-pandemic scenario if it is virtuously associated with two other central actors, that is, an inseparable triad between the university, the productive system and the Government. While the universities create knowledge, produce science and technology, and train qualified professionals, the production system incorporates science and technology and employs professionals in optimal working conditions that allow them to grow in their country. For this, the mediation of the State managed by the different governmental bodies must implement medium and long-term public policies so that this interdependence translates into sustainable development for our Nation.
We must guide the training of the new generations towards activities that require an intensive contribution of highly qualified human knowledge, that generate value and offer society new products and services that improve, directly or indirectly, the entire productive network as a whole.
In a year in which the UBA was awarded, once again, internationally for its academic reputation of global projection and its high quality training of public and free access, let's drive the entire educational ecosystem.
A little bit of history. August 12, 1821 is the official founding date of the UBA in the Manzanas de las Luces. In addition to providing free college education to thousands upon thousands of students throughout its history, it can boast of having trained five Nobel laureates and 18 national presidents.
it also had important international exchanges, in which it received iconic visits with transcendental characters in the history of different sciences. The same was the case of the physicist Albert Einstein, who visited the University of Buenos Aires to speak about the Theory of Relativity.