VS empowers us or disempowers us?
Is it time for fenty to take over the fashion industry and leave vs out?
I couldnt help but wonder, does the Victoria Secret Fashion Show brings down women or empower us? Is fenty taking over the fashion industry?
Put on your favorite lingerie and you are ready to go. That's an advice i heard somewhere around hollywood. So, does that mean it empower us?
Most times vS is asociated as a transphobic brand with little to say regarding inclusivity of any kind really, but does it empower someone now? I know it empowers me, but what about the rest?
By reading this you probably think that i am a transpobich human being with no a single bone of inclusivity on my body but it is not true. I was raised by vogue magazine and praised it as my religion, so the vsfs to me is, was, and always will be my favoeute time of the year. Why? Because those women dare to do what many of us cant or are affraid to do. The feel good with their own skin and walk with confidence in underwear infront of millions of people. They try to set an example even if it is not the pollitically correct one.
Throughout the years the fashionshows have declined. The lack of diversity surroundong models, the locations and even the garments itself. So i wonder. Why is it so hard to cast plus size models and non cis ones? Leaving ed razeks comments aside, someone decided to do something about it. With her own clothing line.
It was rihanna who took the liberty to cast peopleof all races and sizes, giving voice to the ones who doesnt have the opportunity to share the success and art.
Modelling is an art, and art doesnt discriminate, why does vs does? I dreamed of stepping down that tunway numeorous and uncontable times but when i refflected on why i felt confident with such role models, i've realized that the world doesnt revolve around a cis woman whos fashion aspiration are in vogue. They are everywhere, it is nit just me and it shouldnt be.
Inclusivity brings people together, they dont tear it down. So why shouls VS do it?